Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just Breathe

Students are to listen to the podcast and then write a one to two page journal reflection on the following. There are many things that cause us stress in everyday life. From school, to extra curricular activities, to jobs, to relationships with family and friends, and even society in general. Write about at least three of the following questions. What are somethings that bring stress into your life? What do you currently do to positively deal with stress on your own? Do you think that any of the techniques listed could work for you? Do you think any of the techniques could be highly successful for a majority of people? Do you think any of the techniques would not work for most people?

(Content Area: Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Standard: 2.1 Wellness, Strand: E Social and Emotional Health, CPI #'s: 2.1.6 E3, 2.1.8 E4)


  1. i like how you talked about stress - my assignment talked about pressure - those two go hand in hand, dont they? You and I both share an interest in sports and we can relate to stress and pressure in that respect but it is also important to relate to these feelings in other areas of life as well.
